
Major Research Themes
  1. Premise plumbing
  2. Antibiotic resistance genes
  3. Building materials and consumer products
  4. Microbiome and pathogens
  5. Nanosensors


Ongoing Projects

  1. Halting Environmental Antimicrobial Resistance Dissemination, $3,600,000, NSF PIRE, 2015-2020 (Vikesland, P. and Pruden, A.)
  2. Identification and Management of Critical Control Points In The Spread Of Antibiotic Resistance From Animal Manure To Raw Produce, $2,250,000, USDA, 2015-2018 (Pruden, A., Knowlton, K., Krometis, L., Hession, W., Xia, K., Vallotton, A., Archibald, T., and Ponder, M.)
  3. The Role of Pathogen-Environment Interactions in the Pandemic Potential of Influenza, $2,282,173, NIH, 2013-2018 (Marr, L.)
  4. Rapid Methods to Estimate Exposure to SVOCs in Indoor Environments, $900,000,EPA, 2014-2017 (Little, J. and Marr, L.)
  5. Relative Abundance and Diversity of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Pathogens in Reclaimed Versus Potable Water Distribution Systems, $330,000, NSF, 2014-2017 (Pruden, A. and Edwards, M.)
  6. Solving the Mystery of Humidity’s Affect on the Airborne Microbiome, $330,000, NSF, 2014-2017 (Marr, L. and Pruden, A.)
  7. Flint Supplement: Towards a Sustainable Residential Hot Water Infrastructure-Optimizing Public Health, Water, Savings, and Energy Goals, $58,000, NSF, 2015-2016 (Edwards, M. and Pruden A.)
  8. Synergistic Impacts of Corrosive Water and Interrupted Corrosion Control on Chemical/Microbiological Water Quality-Flint, MI, $50,000, NSF, 2015-2016 (Edwards, M. and Pruden A.)
  9. Effect of Pipe Material, Water Flow, and Chemistry on the Building Plumbing Microbiome, $250,000, The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 2012-2016 (Pruden, A., Edwards, M., and Pearce, A.)
  10. The Role of Aerosolization from Wastewater Systems in the Fate and Transport of and Exposure to Ebola Virus, $130,610, NSF, 2015-2016 (Marr, L. and Pruden, A.)
  11. Potential for Exposure to Ebola Virus Surrogates Aerosolized from Wastewater Systems, $35,000, Water Research Foundation, 2015-2016 (Marr, L. and Pruden, A.)
  12. Blending Requirements for Water from Direct Potable Reuse Treatment Facilities, $102,000, Water Research Foundation, 2014-2016 (Edwards, M. and Pruden, A.)
  13. Towards a Sustainable Residential Hot Water Infrastructure: Optimizing Public Health, Water Savings, and Energy Goals, $300,000, NSF, 2014-2016 (Pruden, A., Edwards, M., and Pearce, A.)
  14. Solving the Mystery of Humidity’s Effect on Survival of Airborne Microorganisms, $336,000, NSF, 2014-2016 (Marr, L. and Pruden, A.)

Completed Projects

  1. REU Supplement: Towards a Sustainable Residential Hot Water Infrastructure: Optimizing Public Health, Water, Savings, and Energy Goals, $18,000, NSF, 2014-2015 (Pruden, A., Edwards, M., and Pearce, A.)
  2. Dynamics of the Microbiome in Daycare Settings, $120,000, The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2013-2015 (Prussin II, A. and Marr, L.)